Start: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken
Finish: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken

Roviken-Bufjorden 1 km
Bräckeviken-Kaseviken 2 km
Resupply: -
Drinking water: Whole way
Length: ca 25 km

Estimated time: 2 days
Sleeping: Recommended to stay on the prepared camping sites.
Locks: Krokfors 2 pc
Fishing licence: Available for purchase at Silverlake Camp


This tour may be combined with dressin from Bengtsfors. There's also th possibility to extent the trip a few days in maybe the most beautiful parts of the area Bufjorden and Östra Silen.



Start: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken
Finish: Kråkvikens bathing site

Foxen-Upper Blomsjön 2 km
Upper Blomsjön-Lower Blomsjön
Lower Blomsjön-Lelång 1 km
Resupply: Gustavsfors
Drinking water: Whole way
Length: ca 85 km

Estimated time: 1 week
Sleeping: Recommended to stay on the prepared camping sites.
Locks: Gustavsfors 1 pc
Lennartsfors 3 pc
Fishing licence: Available for purchase at Silverlake Camp


This tour is appropriate as a week long trip. You get to experience the locks and make a couple lifts using the canoe cart. There are possibilities to extent to tour if so desired. Remember to adjust the tour according to the opening hours of the canal.



Start: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken

Alt. Start: Kråkvikens bathing site
Finish: Silverlake Camp

Laxsjön-Svärdlång 400 m
Svärdlång-Västra Silen 50 m
Resupply: Gustavsfors, Bengtsfors, Billingsfors
Drinking water: -
Length: ca 70/50 km

Estimated time: ca 3 days
Sleeping: Recommended to stay on the prepared camping sites. In Svärdlång camping over night must occur on marked locations. Silverlake Camp, Bengtsfors, Gustavsfors and Baldersnäs offers different accomodation.
Locks: Gustavsfors 1 pc
Bengtsfors - Billingsfors 7 pc
Fishing licence: Available for purchase at Silverlake Camp

Note: DKM+



Start: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken
Finish: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken


Västra Silen-Svärdlång 50 m

Svärdlång-Laxsjön 400 m

Ärrsjön-Knarrbysjön 4 km
Bräcktjärnet-Edslan 1,5 km
Edslan-Limmen 2 km
Limmen-Östra Silen 500 m

Resupply: Dals-Långed, Fengersfors

Drinking water: Edslan, Limmen, Östra Silen, Västra Silen, Svärdlång

Length: ca 130 km

Estimated time: 7-14 days
Sleeping: Recommended to stay on the prepared camping sites. In Svärdlång camping over night must occur on marked locations.


Laxsjön-Östebosjön (Upperud) 13 pc

Snäcke 1 pc

Strömmen 1 pc

Krokfors 2 pc
Fishing licence: Available for purchase at Silverlake Camp


We hope the many lifts won't scare you off, many of which are along a country road. Canoe cart necessary.



Start: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken
Finish: Dals-Ed
Lift: -
Resupply: Gustavsfors
Drinking water: Whole way
Length: ca 100 km

Estimated time: ca 7 days
Sleeping: Recommended to stay on the prepared camping sites.

Locks: Gustavsfors 1 pc
Lennartsfors 3 pc

Fishing licence: Available for purchase at Silverlake Camp


This is a one-way trip so transport back to Silverlake is necessary. The character of this trip is large lakes and lots of wilderness.



Start: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken

Finish: Håverud

Västra Silen-Svärdlång 50 m

Svärdlång-Laxsjön 400 m

Resupply: Billingsfors, Dals Långed

Drinking water: Västra silen and Svärdlång

Length: ca 45 km

Estimated time: 3-5 days
Sleeping: Recommended to stay on the prepared camping sites.

Locks: Laxsjön-Håverud 11 pc
Fishing licence: Available for purchase at Silverlake Camp


This is a one-way trip so transport back to Silverlake is necessary.



Start: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken

Finish: Forsbacka

Östra Silen (Boviken)/Intakan-Dalsjön 5 km

Dalsjön-Hugnerudsälven 100m

ev. Ömmeln - Upper Kalven ca 1 km

Upper - and Lower Kalven 100m

Resupply: -
Drinking water: -
Length: ca 40 km

Estimated time: 3-5 days
Sleeping: Recommended to stay on the prepared camping sites.
Locks: Krokfors 2 pc
Fishing licence: Available for purchase at Silverlake Camp


Bring your own food. No restaurants or stores along the way. Can be purchased in Bengtsfors before departure.



Start: Bengtsfors
Finish: Silverlake Camp, Kråkviken / Gustavsfors (dressin)

Skåpafors (canoe)
Västra Silen-Svärdlång 50 m
Resupply: Bengtsfors, Gustavsfors
Drinking water: Östra Silen, Västra Silen, Svärdlång

Length: ca 30/45 km

Estimated time: 2 days
Sleeping: Recommended to stay on the prepared camping sites. In Svärdlång camping over night must occur on marked locations.
Locks:  -
Fishing licence: Available for purchase at Silverlake Camp


Here you can combine you canoe/dressin trip according to your preferences. We will transport your luggage while you're on the dressin due to the lack of space. You choose whether to start with canoe or dressin.



Start: Bengtsfors
Finish: Edsleskog (canoe)

Håverud or Mellerud (hiking)

Laxsjön-Svärdlång 400 m
Svärdlång-Västra Silen 50 m
Östra Silen-Limmen 500 m
Limmen-Edslan 2 km

Resupply: Bengtsfors, Billingsfors, Skåpafors

Drinking water: Östra Silen, Västra Silen, Svärdlång, Limmen and Edslan

Length: ca 60 + 30/50 km

Estimated time: 2 days

Sleeping: Recommended to stay on the prepared camping sites.
Locks: Bengtsfors-Billingsfors 5 pc
Krokfors 2 pc

Fishing licence: Available for purchase at Silverlake Camp


Transport fee applies.